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BEVATECH GmbH is a German company located in Mörfelden-Walldorf, 10 minutes away from Frankfurt International Airport or 20 minutes from Frankfurt Central Train Station.

icon_widget_image Nordendstraße 2, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf (Germany) icon_widget_image +49 (0) 6105 3237320 icon_widget_image

HIAT 2022

Many thanks to all visitors of the 15th International Conference on Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology – HIAT 2022 in Darmstadt. We had inspiring discussions at the booth and made new contacts with other companies in the accelerator scene.

The poster session with very good presentations was a perfect place for interesting and promising discussions. But even so, the HIAT22 was a great event for everyone with a very nice ambience and the final visit to the Darmstadt Heinerfest.